You see billboards for two restaurants, Jim’s Steakhouse and Jane’s Steakhouse. Imagine you’re driving down the street in a strange town, looking for a place to get dinner. This simple advice is no less true today than it was in the golden age of door-to-door salesmen. Perhaps the most famous selling advice ever is Elmer Wheeler’s “Don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle!” The 78-word description on this blank CD listing has helped make over 1,000 sales: Get to the point and provide the most important info ASAP so the reader can decide whether to buy in seconds, not minutes. A handful of short paragraphs and lists are all it takes-and in some cases, just one of either will do the job. Your description doesn’t need a thousand words. The excerpt from this seller's successful laptop listing (over 150 sold) shown below is a perfect example of the kind of fast-moving writing that makes sales. People who have the time will actually read it rather than falling asleep on the back button. It also makes your writing seem to move faster. It encourages them to quickly decide to buy your product. This kind of writing is great for buyers in a hurry, as they can quickly see your most important points in your headings and lists. Separate the sections of your description with headings.Limit all paragraphs to three sentences or less.